With my first meeting of Dr. Shorter, all went very well, after my 2nd appointment we discussed my surgery that I would be having, all was set into motion, 15 days later my surgery took place. The moment I woke up and was told what had been done, they moved me into a room for me to recover in for a few days. I hadn’t realized it I was laying on my back.. something I had not done in such a very long time, I hadn’t been able to lye on my back in over 9+ years. Wow…this was a very good night, slept co good the next few days, went home and I has gone to all new highs for me.. Dr. Shorter gave me my life back. I thank God for his wisdom, and the knowledge. Never say Never, trust your medical team, listen to them, and if you have any concerns, address them to your Dr. Dr. Shorter has given me a reason to believe in Dr.’s again.. THANK YOU DR SHORTER