I have lived with a painful neck injury for the last three years. It’s been a very sad experience for me because prior to the injury, I enjoyed a very active life with no physical limitations. I have been evaluated and treated by many professionals who are experts in their fields (i.e.; Chiropractors, physical therapists and professional trainers who specialize in neck injuries), and yet, with all their kind efforts, I still suffer with neck pain. The worst of it was not knowing the extent of the injury or if I was making matters worse by not having surgery. I reached a point where I felt like there was no hope of ever returning to my former condition. A good friend referred me to Dr. Adam Befeler. Thank you God! Within the first 30 seconds of my consultation with him, I was beside myself with joy. His evaluation of my spine was more thorough than I hoped for. He explained my injury to me in small, simple words I could understand. It was music to my ears to hear him say I did not need surgery. I had so many questions, and he was able to answer them all. If Dr. Befeler has a fan club, I would like to join.